10th June 2018
From prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation and physio therapy to sport injuries and athlete’s performance, Extrazell team shared KNOW-HOW in focus of extracellular matrix (ECM) treatment and Biomechanical Stimulation (BMS) clinical practice across China. From north to south, we dedicated intensively introductory workshop to 16 clinics in 13 cities within 14 days.
Special thanks go to our China exclusive partner Soreha, and all the clinics who organised workshop with many enthusiastic professional participants.
We are looking forward to seeing you again in China and starting further research and development together in Reha, Physio and sport medicine hand by hand.
西安521医院 / Xi´an 521 Hospital | 陕西省康复医院 / Shanxi Province Rehablitation Hospital | 甘肃省康复中心医院/ Gansu Province Rehabilitation Center Hospital | 甘肃省中医医院/ Gansu Province Hospital of traditional Chinese Medicine |
青海省人民医院/ Qinghai People’s Hospital | 新医大五附院/ Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University | 新疆医科大学第一附属医院/ First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University | 重庆西南医院/ Chongqing Southwest Hospital |
重庆新桥医院/ Chongqing Xinqiao Hospital | 武汉大学中南医院 骨科康复治疗中心/Orthopedic Rehabilitation Center, ZhongNan Hospital of Wuhan University | 郑州大学附属郑州中心医院/ Zhengzhou Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University | 国家乒乓球队/Chinese National Table Tennis team |
上海第八人民医院/Shanghai Eighth People´s hospital | 厦门大学附属福州第二医院/ Fuzhou Second Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University | 广东体育医院/ Guangdong sport hospital | 北京大学深圳医院/ Peking University Shenzhen Hospital |
Enormous demand in the ever-increasing wealth of Reha & Physio knowledge, both from scientific research and practical experience has only one goal. Which is to translate new findings into clinical practice and continuously study patient outcomes to improve our treatment approach in a more effective and efficient comprehensive methods.
Our main focus is not only presenting and training the professional medical team BMS Matrix therapy, but also aiming to treating the patients with a multidisciplinary approach. From process of functional diagnosis as patient center, combine sport medicine, physicians, physiotherapist, rehabilitation specialist, osteopaths, chiropractors various combination of manual therapy, we strive best and fast positive outcome for the patient.