BMS is a non-invasive, mechanotherapy treatment that enhances skeletal muscle repair and promotes regeneration of injured muscles within the musculoskeletal (MSK) system.
BMS is a non-invasive, mechanotherapy treatment that enhances skeletal muscle repair and promotes regeneration of injured muscles within the musculoskeletal (MSK) system.
The BMS drum can treat larger muscle groups by providing extensive biomechanical stimulation to bigger areas of the body.
The BMS drum is equipped with a smart pre-programmable chip which enables patients to receive individual treatment once the therapist has programmed the chip.
Innovative medical device for use in pain therapy, chronic inflammation, musculoskeletal pain, poor peripheral circulation, wound healing, skin diseases, and in the treatment of oncological hyperthermia.
Water-filtered infrared-A (wIRA) is produced in special radiators, where the full spectrum of radiation of a halogen bulb is passed through a cuvette, containing water, which absorbs or decreases the described undesired wavelengths of the infrared radiation.
wIRA treatment can lead to improved cell regeneration, wound healing, antibacterial effects and infection prevention.
wIRA treatment reduces: pain (and required dose of analgesics), hypersecretion, inflammation
wIRA treatment can also show positive immunomodulatory effects